We've got some sickness here this week - hubby, princess Abby. Then, Wednesday, I started with a scratchy throat. By Wednesday night -Nick! Teeny has had a runny nose. Sleep, vitamins and very little sugar (says my friend Kathy). I didn't realize sugar breaks down our immune systems! Praying all will be better very soon! As a result I'm taking it easy with school this week. Trying not to overload! I didn't do much pre-planning for this week, but they had fun anyway!
Monday 3/18/13
Monday was a with grammy instead of regular school! For the little's anyway! Hubby and I both had doctor appointments and were gone all day, so my mom came over for the day. I didn't bother with having her try to manage school with them and everything else! Our Abby does such a great job with the little ones! She helped out a lot while we were gone - and she wasn't feeling well!! I'm so thankful for her and all she does!
Tuesday - 3/19/13 SNOW!!??!!
Yes, we live here in the northeast and yes, we got snow! What did this mean for us? No co-ops! It was okay, I was exhausted from my day out with hubby. There were some creative things going on though! We did a regular day of school instead, since we didn't get to do it Monday.
The picture above is what our little table looked life after J and K were done. I didn't get a chance to take their pictures while they were "creating"! What a mess!!
This picture is one J had me take of his dino's he had lined up - he doesn't like when anyone crosses over them either, but they were in the way to get to the playroom and.. the bathroom! And in front of the refrigerator :)
Joey decided to make his own dinosaur picture! He had his big sister copy, paste and print certain dino's he requested. He cut most of them out, she only got to do a few! Then he told her where on the rocky background scrapbook paper to place the dino's. He also had her add some "water".. another scrapbook paper. He even found a dino in the water and had her put it --- in the water! So cute!
Tucker Teeny Tot on Tuesday! After a hard day's work! :)
Okay, a normal day around here today. The littles did workboxes together, but teeny didn't last too long. She kept busy at one point decorating the post of the little table with stickers! J loves doing these workboxes. I didn't have them all filled before he got up, but quickly added to each draw for him. He ended up not doing the last two though! He got side tracked! That's okay.
Our very own Creation Books! Teeny just "decorated hers! But Jojo went through and attempted pics for each day of creation!
Here's a close up of Teeny Tot, so serious! :) AND.. BUSY!!!!
I love this picture - Jojo is drawing a sun! He did such an awesome job! Only 4, I'm amazed at what they can all do!!!
This is a close up of his sun! His skills have just soared!!!!
The two pics above are Jojo's workboxes for Wednesday. Drawer number 5 has an activity he never got to finish last week.. he may or may not finish..it's okay :)
Needed a break for a yummy yogurt snack! Greek yogurt, I do think it's everyone's favorite here!
Back to work! This is one from last week J never got to. It's from that lapbook on homeschoolshare.com. This is for the country of Africa. There is a dinosaur for each country. It's meant to be done a little diffently, but I made adjustments to fit our needs. I had him glue on the map of Africa, the dinosaur, the word Africa and three or four pics I found of different views from different places in Africa.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Another busy day, followed by a busy evening! In addition to our regular school stuff, we sorted Girl Scout cookie orders (well, Abby, Teeny and Jojo did!). I supervised and stopped wrong doings. :)
The two pictures below are Teeny and J playing in the texture box. He's been asking since either last week or the weekend for water in here. I finally did it today. They had fun, but first they did some arguing! J didn't want to share the dinosaurs! :) I finally grabbed a couple more from the dinosaur box. (technically the dinos are his, but some were left over from Nick and some are tiny ones I've collected).
Above is Nick working hard on a math test. We've been using Saxon, but were thinking of going in a new direction..but we're not! We're going with an online class that's free. It's using the Saxon math though. I thought I'd sneak this pic of him in here :) This happens so often anyway, a big kid at the computer while I'm working with the littles'.
Above is Jojo working on a dinosaur science game I created last year. I made it so it could be use different ways. It's all laminated to keep it "safe"! The blue paper has Omnivore at the top and a picture of vegetation and meats, the yellow is for carnivores so it only has.. meats and the purple is for... yes herbivores.. self explanitory! So, then I had found pics of several dinosaurs, some that were omnivores, some herbivores and some carnivores. I have the pic of the dino on one side and the pic of what they eat on the other. Last year J used it as a matching game. He'd turn it over and see what they ate - after I told him the dino name - then he'd match it to the appropriate paper. This year I told him to put the dino down on which ever one he thought they'd eat. Then he can turn them over and see if he's right. He started doing that, but quickly discovered the food pics on the back. Oh well, he did it all on his own this year! Last year he needed me to help. So..next year.. he may just use it the other way. You can also use one at a time - the child could find all of the herbivores for example. The other two papers would be away. I haven't tried that one yet. I think we did that last year though.
Here is Teeny at the easel. J wanted to take this picture. They both really enjoy painting.. and picture taking!Here they are "cooperative painting".. This is the one J later described as their plan to catch ghosties and monsters! No, that's not a typo, yes, he did say ghosties!! Being cute of course, he knows the correct word is ghosts :)
Tomorrow is Friday. I'm planning to wrap up the Dino stuff! I am planning to do some Easter stuff. Time to visit Hubbards cupboard!! I know they had plans for Easter. I wanted to check it out and hopefully incorporate it.
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