This blue tray had salt in it, they had fun! There is another picture of both of their trays.
The two pictures here are K enjoying "toddler mud" :) Soap shavings, toilet paper and water.
Here are the two trays with salt. The one with the picture was either J or K's.. can't remember. I think J, K's is the first picture I took!
More toddler mud fun!! Yeah!! Our U for Us week working with our senses was fun!!
All of the painting pictures are from our textured paintbrushes. I thought they were a nice choice for our senses week!
For our sense of touch, we made "touch cards". A variety of materials, many fun things to touch and feel.
Hair gel, dyed blue - what a fun sensory experience! J was having fun and some of his animal friends here in the picture got in on the fun!
K doing a MFW K worksheet, her own way! ;)
Joey doing a handwriting sheet from They both like these. We don't use the MFW ones, J would not use them. The space was too small for him.
Kbear doing a great job with hers too. :)
sorting Tt and Uu pictures :)
Yellow, lemon scented water fun for our senses of smell and sight!
This was cornstarch dough made with hand lotion, cornstarch and a little flour. K loved it!
We did this unit before we added a nice table that everyone could use together. I think they were just being creative here though. Or they were cutting some papers for gluing.
I forget now which day I did this, but it's shaving cream with plastic numbers. Kbear loved this. J did after finally realizing this was in there!
Working nicely.. yes, in their undies!
I think they enjoyed this day the best! Our sense of taste!! Lots of things we tasted!
K bear enjoying painting at the easel. In our "new corner". I have actually removed this easel and made one, but it is not completely finished yet. This one is great, but too big when opened. So I thought a wall easel would be better. I had this old game in the basement, turning it around, adding some things to it (which still need to be done after a trip to a home store).
Her masterpiece!
This picture and some of the others with the food are from J's Scooby Doo magazine. It has so many educational activities in it.
This picture is the end result of us making the one from the magazine - picture below.
K enjoying eating our yummy food craft.
Here is a bat :)
J is creating his own is the two pictures above.
Shaving cream fun! U for Us has been such a fun unit!
J is creating here using a variety of stickers.
A likes to do her school work in the same room with us.. most of the time! She is doing 1850 to Exp.
People in our texture box with sand.. for US!
J created his person for the U is for Us unit. This printable is from She has one for each letter. :) She also has pictures of what she used. We had paper doll that I used as a template.
big sister A helping J with Cuisinaire Rod time.
Choosing rods that will fit to make the picture.
Finished the face, moving on to the next one.
Almost done!
All pictures completed! Yeah!
Now the harder part! This page has a lot of questions. J didn't enjoy this part too much.
K has her own set of rods and pages. She likes to color in all of the blocks. :)
K enjoying playing in our texture box with the little people and sand.
Cutting out letter u's.. she's only 3! Doing such a great job cutting!
Adding some glue to the back of the letter u's.
sorting lower and upper case letter "u". This is from
J catching up on a missed sheet for D for Dinosaur. Big sister doing her school work.. at our "new" table. I found this perfectly sized, great shaped table at the Salvation Army store. It's hexagon shaped!
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